Zagaku Time!

Yesterday I completed a simple UML diagram by showing dependencies between classes. Today I extended that diagram by adding methods and their return values. This improved the diagram considerably, and helped to highlight issues where I was using public methods where it wasn’t necessary.

It’s my first Zagaku presentation tomorrow. Initially, I was struggling a bit on what to talk about, but some of the other apprentices and craftspeople suggested I talk a little about my previous experience at Atos Consulting. This gave me an opportunity to rethink some of the ideas and concepts I learnt whilst there and do a bit of research around them. The talk I am going to present will be on a tactic used to improve written communication. When I was previously taught it, it was just a standard consulting tool. I can see now it has wide ranging applicability on all styles of written communication including blog posts. I will spend a bit of time thinking about it today, because it should be a good structure for my technical writing.

I have a suitable part two approaching from this Zagaku too. I don’t want to give too much away in this blog post though.

Finally I spent the last part of the day doing some refactoring and discovered just how easy IntelliJ makes it. More refactoring tomorrow, I’d like to really tidy up the whole code base if possible. I will talk a bit more about the refactoring I am doing and where the issues lie, a lot of it will relate to the revised UML diagram below.

UML Diagram with Methods